As many of you know I often take the positive thinking outlook side of things and I've actually done a whole heap of mindset for success videos that were really popular yet I wanted to share something I read recently that I think could really help you manage your expectations and feel victorious no matter what happens. The concept: negative thinking for positive results haha.
Stick with me for a second. Let's say you get a show and you have all these positive expectations around it, then you may be more likely to get upset if things don't go the way you want. No don't worry not for a second am i suggesting you don't have positive expectation around your show and feel optimistic about it, but let's say you are also really scared and full of doubts and fears well perhaps you could try imagining the worst case scenario.
I remember when I was younger I used to sometimes have this reoccurring dream that I was playing live andI couldn't decide what track to play next and the current song playing ran out and everyone is looking at me and I am frozen with no idea what idea to play next, and the funny thing was this dream often happened right before really big events that were hugely successful.
So all I am saying is, by being open to, and even imagining the worst case scenario, and considering it as a possibility, you can prepare for the worst and then when those things don't happen, you're more likely going to be grateful it didn't happen as opposed to going in with expectations that you want and expect something to go a certain way and let's say you turn up to a club and the gear's different to what they promised or perhaps even the DJ before you was rude and plays well into your set time and acted obnoxiously towards you, you can look on the bright side and be grateful at least the worst didn't happen and compared to the worst case scenario all else is ok.
I guess another way you could look at this is with your practice sessions, I mention this because this seems to be the thing people struggle with the most, not practising as much as they feel they should and then giving themselves a hard time for not doing any practise at all, so if this is you, instead of starting the week thinking you should do this and that, and set yourself up for possible disappointment when you slip back into your same routine of watching TV all day, and end up doing nothing, instead you could imagine the worst and that is you picture doing zero work on your DJing that week, and then by removing the pressure of you have to do this or that, you release your resistance and anything you end up doing is a win and you may find you build really big momentum.
1I just know too often DJs expect things to go a certain way and this can lead to disappointment and sometimes even anger so in ways even though I am saying be prepared for the worst, you're really just giving yourself permission to enjoy yourself and to look on the bright-side no matter what happens. In truth I think this negative thinking angle works really well when you are already down on yourself as then at least it points you in the right direction and that is focusing on things turning out better than you expected, but generally speaking I admit I do focus on what I want and don't give too much attention to what I don't want but if you're stuck in a negative cycle, perhaps give this method a go and observe that things may actually be turning out better for you than you initially realised and learn to notice and even count your victories no matter how small.
The funny thing is I find DJing to be the perfect way to build confidence, not just behind the decks but in life in general as by learning a new skill you push your comfort zone and not only is this heaps of fun but it forces you to grow and often when you are ready to put yourself out there and you are starting to build your profile, you'll find yourself playing to half empty rooms but instead of thinking this is crap, you may think at least there's some people here and you may focus and even commit to enjoying yourself no matter and when you do, watch the room transform.
I thought this video was relevant as a lot of my students are now getting there first shows post covid and I want them to be armed and ready for any eventuality. Personally running clubs and playing live is my background and I ran weekly club events for almost 20 years and now is my time to pass the torch and share my knowledge with my students so if you want to learn to DJ and build the confidence to play live, and better yet have strategies on how to approach venues and get shows, and even how to create your own opportunities to get you in front of people, check out my course i'll drop a link in the description below. I have a sale on my complete package which takes beginners or people with some experience wanting to up-level there skills from the bedroom and into clubs and to see my students accomplishments blows me away and in saying that some of my students are even starting their own club events now with a plan to take other students in our tribe with them along the journey so if you're a student watch our community groups for announcements as we are all just warming up.
Thanks for tuning in, I'll make sure I get back to proper DJ content next week but thought you may appreciate the brief interlude as let's face it once you know how to DJ and you want to get shows and experience playing live, you'll have to be ready for anything and sometimes you can't do anything wrong and other times you may feel you can do nothing right but either way, take a breath and take comfort in the quote the only way to truly master something is to first be a disaster, so remember it's the toughest times that will be your turning points and your greatest inspirations.
Ever found yourself endlessly dreaming about DJ success but struggling to take real action? You're not alone. One of the most common issues holding people back from achieving their goals is the inability to start - and keep going.
The first key to marketing is to ignore everything everyone has ever told you. don't you know marketing is not cool and the fact is if you're telling people to follow you they are going to run the other way and worse, if you are inboxing people custom templates telling people, you don't really know to check out your latest mixes, people will block you.
If you have a gig coming up or want to know what's involved when playing live this article is Gold.
What defines good music, though? Of course, this always comes down to personal preference, interpretation, and setting. This will forever be a subjective topic as music is art. However, for the DJs wanting to bring something unique to the dancefloor, good music in this case, could be defined as something the crowd didn't know they wanted or needed, to be the DJ that can offer up an unforgettable experience that breaks away from the same Top 100 tracks that everyone is accessing and using.
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Not sure where to start? In this mini series I answer many of the questions beginners have about learning to DJ.
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Not sure where to start? In this mini series I answer many of the questions beginners have about learning to DJ.