Coming up with a DJ name coming-up-with-a-dj-name-1 Coming up with a DJ name
Coming up with a DJ name can be a very personal thing and ultimately you want to come up with a name you are comfortable saying out loud. For instance something you feel good about when you say it and also something you don't have to explain the meaning every time you say it.
Many people use their own name and just as many others use a pseudonym - meaning a word they like, for instance snowflake or viper. Using your own name is great especially if your name is unique, but let's say your name is John Doe, you may decide to use a nick name or even a variation of your name.
Now if your strapped for ideas, at the risk of sounding like a complete hippy, I would let the name come to you, instead of searching for it. For instance have you ever forgotten something and then the more you tried to remember what you were thinking the more the thought evaded you, but as soon as you let go, the idea popped straight back into your head. Well i would use this same technique and that means let the world know I am looking for a name and then see what comes to you. It might come straight away, it could be days or even weeks later, the key is to stay alert and see what finds you.
I remember once a venue asked me to run a club for them and I used to say, "let me think on it, and if the ideas come then we'll do it", then I'd just forget about it and see if anything came into my mind that excited me. In that case a few days later I was walking to the movies and my partner mentioned something about a white rabbit, and I thought: White Rabbit and immediately all these ideas starting rushing in like, I could play on the alice in wonderland theme and even the matrix theme of "follow the white rabbit" and not only did I have a name for my new club but a whole marketing campaign came with the name and all I had to do was write it all out and then act on it.
The fact I am no longer looking for a DJ name now and I haven't created less resistance around finding one, I always get ideas for cool names. I could be reading a book, listening to a podcast or even watching a movie and I hear a cool name and think, that would make an awesome DJ name, and I suggest you do the same - let go and see what flows in.
I am only scraping the surface here on building a brand and marketing and if you want a free marketing video to help you build more awareness around your sets assuring packed events everywhere you play check out the link below.
Ever found yourself endlessly dreaming about DJ success but struggling to take real action? You're not alone. One of the most common issues holding people back from achieving their goals is the inability to start - and keep going.
The first key to marketing is to ignore everything everyone has ever told you. don't you know marketing is not cool and the fact is if you're telling people to follow you they are going to run the other way and worse, if you are inboxing people custom templates telling people, you don't really know to check out your latest mixes, people will block you.
If you have a gig coming up or want to know what's involved when playing live this article is Gold.
What defines good music, though? Of course, this always comes down to personal preference, interpretation, and setting. This will forever be a subjective topic as music is art. However, for the DJs wanting to bring something unique to the dancefloor, good music in this case, could be defined as something the crowd didn't know they wanted or needed, to be the DJ that can offer up an unforgettable experience that breaks away from the same Top 100 tracks that everyone is accessing and using.
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Not sure where to start? In this mini series I answer many of the questions beginners have about learning to DJ.
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Not sure where to start? In this mini series I answer many of the questions beginners have about learning to DJ.